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Alcohol and Minors in Canada

Youth Criminal Justice Act

Minors, Alcohol and the Law

If you have been charged with a crime in Calgary, you should consult with a criminal defence lawyer in your area

CalgaryLawyersNear Me

Frontline Paralegal Services

Calgary, Alberta
PO Box 64324 Thorncliffe PO
(587) 572-7272

Mann Law

Calgary, Alberta
Suite 765 - 2710, 17 Ave, SE
(403) 455-5181

Shim Law

Calgary, Alberta
634 6 Ave SW #810
(403) 476-2011

Moldofsky Law

Calgary, Alberta
639 5 Ave SW Suite 100 Box 2182
(587) 889-3446

Elmer Chiu Legal Centre

Calgary, Alberta
Suite 403, 1701 Centre Street NW
(587) 355-4266

Laws & Beyond

Calgary, Alberta
634 6 Ave SW Suite #320
(403) 300-5297
Alcohol and Minors in Calgary, Alberta - Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Legal Terms

Age of majority

The minimum age at which a person legally considered to be an adult and can buy alcohol. It is 18 in some provinces/territories and 19 in others.

Extrajudicial measures

Proceedings outside the formal court process. Examples include police warnings, referrals to community programs and Crown cautions. Extrajudicial measures are seen as an effective response to less serious youth crime.

Young offender

A term for a  person between 12 to 17 years old who is charged with a crime. Their cases are usually heard in Youth Court, with punishments guided by the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

Youth court

Youth justice courts deal with any alleged offences committed by those ages 12 to 17, in accordance with the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

Alcohol and Minors in Calgary, Alberta - Tagged With:
Tagged With: Youth Criminal Justice
Alcohol and Minors in Calgary, Alberta - Tagged With:
Code Citations: Section 41 , s.320.14(1)
Alcohol and Minors in Calgary, Alberta - Referenced Links