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Manslaughter Laws in Canada

Part VIII of the Criminal Code / Against the Person and Reputation

Manslaughter: Unplanned Death and Criminal Negligence

If you have been charged with a crime in Ottawa, you should consult with a criminal defence lawyer in your area

OttawaLawyersNear Me

Cedric Nahum Law

Ottawa, Ontario
225 Metcalfe Street, Suite 410
(613) 233-0330

AEH Criminal Law

Ottawa, Ontario
185 Somerset Street West, Suite 305
(613) 565-3363

Kimberley A. Pegg Barristers

Ottawa, Ontario
200 Cooper Street, Suite 1
(613) 232-9331

Shore & Johnston

Ottawa, Ontario
200 Elgin Street, Suite 800
(613) 316-1049

Shore & Johnston

Ottawa, Ontario
200 Elgin St Suite 800
(613) 233-7747

Murray Fakih Criminal Defence Professional Corporation

Ottawa, Ontario
224 Cooper St. 1st Floor
(613) 695-3005
Manslaughter in Ottawa, Ontario - Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Legal Terms

Culpable homicide

Murder, manslaughter or infanticide where the death was caused by an intentional act or criminal negligence.

Indictable offence

Indictable offences are the most serious offences under the Criminal Code and they come with more serious punishments, up to a maximum penalty of life in prison.


Parole is a bridge between incarceration and return to the community. It is a conditional release, and contributes to the protection of society by allowing some offenders to continue to serve part of their sentence outside of the institution under the supervision of a parole officer and subject to conditions.


A person is not guilty of an offence if they reasonably believe on reasonable grounds that force was being used against them or another person. or that a threat of force was made. They can act in self defence to protect themselves or the other person, as long as their actions are reasonable in the circumstances.

Manslaughter in Ottawa, Ontario - Tagged With:
Code Citations: Section 34 (1) , s.234 , s.743.6