Criminal Code Forms: To assist individuals in navigating the criminal justice system, the Criminal Code includes 54 standardized documents or forms designed to help gather and present information in court. These forms vary in complexity—some are straightforward to complete, while others require detailed information. They serve a crucial role in the legal process, ensuring that accurate and necessary information is provided for various judicial procedures, such as obtaining search warrants, requesting information from sex offenders, and more.
Table of Contents:
What Are Criminal Code Forms?
Very close to the end of the Criminal Code can be found 54 forms that lawyers, peace officers and self-represented clients have to use to gather and present information to the court. These forms ensure that information is gathered and shared correctly, for the benefit of all parties in the judicial process
What Are the Functions of The Forms?
Each of the 54 forms each deal with a function or step in the legal process. For example, Form 1 provides what information is needed when applying for a search warrant. Form 5 is a "warrant to search." It demands that the name of the police force conducting the search be included, as well as what is being sought "on reasonable grounds" in the belief it is on the premises and during which hours the warrant is valid.
Many of the forms are very simple to fill out while others are much more detailed. For example, Form 52, Order to Comply with the Sex Offender Information Registration Act, lists eight points that are relevant to sex offenders whose names are to be included in the registry. That includes what information is gathered, how to correct any errors and the fact they can be fined or imprisoned for providing false information.
What Are Each of the Forms?
Here is a listing of the 54 forms:
Form 1: Information for a search warrant
Form 2: Information
Form 3: Repealed
Form 4: Heading of indictment
Form 5: Warrant to search
Form 6: Summons of the person who charged for an offence
Form 7: Warrant for arrest
Form 8: Warrant for committal Canada
Form 9: Appearance notice Canada
Form 10: Undertaking
Form 11: Release order Canada
Form 12: Surety declaration
Form 13: Repealed
Form 14: Repealed
Form 15: Convey accused warrant before justice
Form 16: Witness subpoena
Form 17: Witness warrant
Form 18: Warranty for arresting the absconding witness
Form 19: Prisoner remanding warrant
Form 20: Committal witness warranty
Form 21: Committal on a conviction warrant
Form 22: Money payment warrant
Form 23: Recognizance to keep the peace warrant
Form 24: Witness enter into recognizance warrant
Form 25: Contempt committal warrant
Form 26: Warrant for default payment in appeal cost
Form 27: Recognizance fortifier
Form 28: Endorsement of warrant
Form 29: Endorsement of warrant
Form 30: Period of a remand order
Form 31: Witness deposition
Form 32: Recognizance Canada
Form 33: Certificate for default endorsed recognizance
Form 34: Fieri facias writ
Form 35: Conviction
Form 36: Order against the offender
Form 37: Order acquitting accused
Form 38: Conviction contempt
Form 39: Order for discharge in custody
Form 40: Array challenge
Form 41: Cause challenge
Form 42: Certificate for nonpayment appeal cost
Form 43: Jailer's receipt
Form 44: Fingerprint related
Form 45: Fingerprint related
Form 46: Probation order
Form 47: Income tax discloser order
Form 48: Court assessment order
Form 49: Detention disposing warrant
Form 50: Placement decision warrant
Form 51: Samples obligation notices
Form 52: Sex offender registration act complying order
Form 53: Notice for an obligation
Form 54: Obligation to comply with the act