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Tax Fraud Laws in Canada

Part X of the Criminal Code / Fraudulent Transactions 

Criminal Offence Involving Deceit and Fraud to Defraud Money

If you have been charged with a crime in Ottawa, you should consult with a criminal defence lawyer in your area

OttawaLawyersNear Me

Engel & Associates

Ottawa, Ontario
116 Lisgar Street, Suite 210
(613) 235-6324

McKoena Law

Ottawa, Ontario
285 Carruthers Avenue
(613) 695-6529

Nicolas St-Pierre Law

Ottawa, Ontario
116 Albert Street, Suites 200 & 300
(613) 699-5511

Brass Law Office

Ottawa, Ontario
Suite 704, 200 Elgin Street
(613) 238-5757

Harbic Law

Ottawa, Ontario
Suite 704, 200 Elgin Street
(613) 262-3703

Raphaela Koyame Lawyers Firm Inc

Ottawa, Ontario
509-1390 prince of Wales drive
(613) 608-2474