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Sabotage Laws in Canada

Part II of the Criminal Code / Offences Against Public Order

Intentionally Damaging or Destroying Property for Political or Military Advantage

If you have been charged with a crime in Ottawa, you should consult with a criminal defence lawyer in your area

OttawaLawyersNear Me

SKG Law Professional Corporation

Ottawa, Ontario
38 Auriga Drive, Suite 200
(613) 400-6237

Shukairy Law

Ottawa, Ontario
1 Rideau St #700
(613) 421-1589

Grenier Law

Ottawa, Ontario
280 Metcalfe Street
(613) 552-5537

Nikolas Lust

Ottawa, Ontario
200 Cooper St Suite 4
(613) 857-1911

Armoured Suits™

Ottawa, Ontario
170 Laurier Ave W #714
(613) 233-0008

Chiarelli Cramer Witteveen Llp

Ottawa, Ontario
102 Centrepointe Dr.
(613) 723-9100
Sabotage in Ottawa, Ontario - Tagged With:
Tagged With: Against Public Order
Sabotage in Ottawa, Ontario - Tagged With:
Code Citations: s.52
Sabotage in Ottawa, Ontario - Referenced Links